At Flytographer, we are lucky to get to help capture hundreds of love stories every month. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day this year, we’ve collected 50 heartwarming stories from couples all around the world to celebrate how much love is all around us.

1. Andrew & Charissa

“Europe has been a dream trip for us for quite some time and when we booked our tickets to fly into London, we knew the one thing that had to happen for sure was spending our wedding anniversary in Paris, the most romantic city in the world! We hoped Paris would be as magical as everyone says, but we tried not to have unrealistic expectations. Paris absolutely blew us away! The magic is real and every time we saw the Eiffel Tower, we were surprised by its grandeur and peculiar beauty. The best part though? Being together. That is what made Paris so magical. Walking hand in hand through the streets, biking to the Notre Dame, hearing the music waft through the streets from different directions. We enjoyed being together, dreaming new dreams, and soaking in each moment.” – Charissa

2. Marc-Andre & Katherine

“2017 was a rough year due to factors outside of our marriage, but we’ve held on tight to each other and really leaned on one another for daily support. As we realized how quickly the year was passing by, we knew we wanted to end on a high note around the holidays. We wanted a trip to lift our spirits and fill our hearts, and that’s exactly what we got. We both agreed that one of our favourite moments from our quick weekend trip was when we got to go ice skating in Bryant Park. My husband is Canadian and an excellent ice skater. I’m a Floridian and always feel like a drunk toddler learning to walk when I’m on the ice. But Marc-Andre held onto my hands and guided me on the ice. He even skated backwards so I could hold onto both hands in the beginning. So there we were, skating in Bryant Park, holding hands and grinning so hard, when it started to snow! Living in Florida, this sweet moment was exactly what we were hoping for.” – Katherine

3. Shannen & Jason

“I love to travel for my birthday and in the last year I met a man who I love and who makes me extremely happy…and who wants to travel the world as much as I do! Our birthdays happen to be two days apart. In the first month we were dating, I knew this was a different type of relationship. I felt like I just knew that this was something that would last. I had no doubt that we would make it to at least 7 months of dating, which would put us at our birthdays and our potential birthday trip. During our second month of dating, we booked the flights to Sweden. I had never been to Sweden and he had never been outside of the country. I let him pick the destination and we spent the week walking around the beautiful streets of Stockholm, Sigtuna, Uppsala, and a Kiruna. We didn’t get to see the northern lights, but that just means we will have to take another trip.” – Shannen

4. Sumit & Yashita

“After knowing each other for over nine years, my girlfriend and I decided to tie the knot and get married. Our days spent in Mauritius will be unforgettable. I am the guy who is not too much into water sports and she wanted to go for a sea bed walk. I was a bit nervous about it, but her being there with me gave me confidence and strength. She held my hand and convinced me that I can do it. At that moment, I realised if she is there with me, I can achieve anything in this world. Impossible just became possible in one single moment.” – Sumit

5. Shamena & Daud

“It was our 10th anniversary and we were travelling without the children for the first time. It felt like a thousand butterflies were circling in our stomachs! We felt that we have been running in a monotonous train called life, children and responsibilities that we had not stopped to look at each other and simply smile. This 10-day break taught us to stop and breathe, taught us to love each other better. We thought we had lost the excitement to have an adventure, but we found ourselves again. Our top tip to all married couples is: get away from everything and live your life with each other and just breathe life again. How rejuvenating this experience was to our souls!” – Shamena

6. David & Esther

“I have known Esther pretty much my whole life. We went through middle school and high school together but lost touch through college. I asked her out during junior year of college and here we are four years later! I never thought I’d be proposing this early but it felt like the perfect moment. She actually was completely oblivious to the event and thought we were going for a nice cup of tea and a fancy dinner. Esther kept spacing out because she was so surprised! Our photos will help us treasure this moment forever.” – David

7. Matt & Erica

“Matt and I began dating when I was a senior in high school. He was the sweetest, most kind-spirited person I’d ever met. I did not expect to fall madly in love so young, but I did! As we started to grow we realized we needed time apart to rediscover who we were. We took a long break during my year abroad in college. While abroad, I visited Rome and made a wish in the Trevi Fountain that Matt and I would find our way back to each other one day and return to Italy together. Those wishes came true and so much more.” – Erica

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8. Sonja & Stephan (and Montecristo)

“It soon became obvious we had a lot more in common. We loved to travel, and he wanted to teach me to scuba dive so we could travel to those destinations and enjoy above as well as below water views. He introduced me to sailing too! I wanted to show him Europe and talk about art and architecture. I wanted to travel with a tiny dog and write a blog about that. It all really just clicked and fell into place. Soon enough there was no one I wanted to be with more. And we have loved each other more and more as every year passed. Nine years later I was proposing.” – Sonja

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9. Vick & Esther

“Esther and I have an international flavour to our relationship. She is French, born and raised in Paris. I am from Toronto, Canada. We met in Canada, during her internship in 2013. I always knew I wanted to propose in Italy because it’s her favourite country and we would get to share the moment with her family in France (who are very important to her).” – Vick

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10. Jessica & Paul

“My husband and I went to Bali to celebrate our fifth anniversary and, really, the honeymoon we never had. Our daughter was only two years old when we got married, so leaving the country just wasn’t an option at the time. Needless to say, this trip was one we both wanted captured. We were married in an apple orchard, so my hope was to capture images in another lush environment, rich with trees and greenery. What better place than Ubud?” – Jessica

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11. Kelly & Jay

“Jay and I met online… on Tinder. Hold your judgment! We were both on it for a real date and a real relationship, despite its reputation (and thanks to my friend for convincing me that this was actually possible on Tinder). When I first saw him, the first thing I thought, with a sigh of relief, was that he actually looked just as hot in real life as he did in his photos! I truthfully found our first date to be pretty boring, but when he kissed me goodbye I knew I’d go out with him again. I texted my sister afterwards and told her exactly that – while Jay was simultaneously telling one of his sisters that he knew this could be the real deal. Our second date was the date where you’d use the phrase ‘…And the rest was history.’” – Kelly

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12. Bryannah & Bruno

“I can still remember the exact moment I first laid eyes on Bruno. A group of my high school friends and I were standing in front of the town’s ice cream parlour drinking milkshakes and trying to meet boys from the other high schools. It was a warm August night. I remember looking at him, thinking, ‘This one is something special.’” – Bryannah

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13. Mike & Stephanie

“Stephanie and I have been dating since college and one of our favourite things to do together is travel and go on adventures. We booked our trip to Iceland two weeks before we planned to leave. It was probably the quickest trip we ever planned, but we are so glad we did it. Iceland is a breathtaking country. We were speechless everyday due to the beauty around us. Of course our favourite moment of our trip was our proposal at one of the most popular waterfalls in the South of Iceland. The whole moment was surreal and perfect. We will always treasure this trip. Iceland was the perfect place to start the next chapter of our lives together.” – Mike

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14. Bob & Brenda

“My parents, Bob and Brenda, have been married for 50 years. They have always enjoyed travelling and have started to book one big trip a year in recent years. They want to see as much as they can, as my dad is legally blind and his sight is continuing to deteriorate. The photos brought tears to my eyes. Mom and Dad looked like they were having so much fun and still in love after all these years.” – Elaine

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15. Mckenzie & Toria

“Shortly after Tori and I had started dating, we went on a trip to San Francisco. It was there that I remember really falling hard for Tori and found out later that she had felt the same way. Because this place was so special to us, I knew I had to do the proposal there.” – Mckenzie

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16. Jessica and Justin

“We met in university when I was 19 and Justin was 22. It’s hard to believe that was 13 years ago! Justin was teaching a weekly swing dance lesson at a local coffee shop and I went one week with some friends to take the lesson. We became friends over the course of a few months, but that all changed when Justin kissed me one night after I drove him home. He’d been pretty aloof and I was so surprised, I didn’t kiss him back! It took a bit of effort on my part to get him to try again, but we’ve been together ever since.” – Jessica

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17. Angelica & Charles

“My husband and I met in college. We actually had mutual friends in high school who thought we already knew each other, so they didn’t introduce us. We finally got to talking at a friend’s 18th birthday party, where I asked him to dance! Afterwards, one of my friends decided to give him my contact information without telling me! He reached out to me one day and we soon found out that we both went to Rutgers University in New Jersey. It wasn’t long until we were hanging out together between classes. Nine years later, he proposed to me at the 50 yard line of the football field of our alma mater and we were married last May after ten years together!” – Angelica

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18. Praniel & Kim

“I flew from Vancouver to New York to surprise my longtime girlfriend while she was on a work trip. She loves New York City so I had the idea of proposing to her in Central Park. With Flytographer Johnny’s excellent knowledge of the area, he helped me pick out the perfect spot for the proposal.” – Praneil

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19. Kathryn & Scott

“I knew our trip to Spain, Portugal and Italy for our 20th anniversary would be full of beautiful memories, late nights, wonderful food and precious memories. But I had no idea how much I would cherish these photos. As the mom of six, couple time is hard to come by with our busy, but fulfilling schedules. Thanks, Flytographer, for capturing these moments between us, reminding me why I married this handsome man. May there be another 20 + 20. I’ll love these photos forever!” – Kathryn

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20. Andrew & Lacey

“Lacey’s always loved travelling and I knew that a life with Lacey would always be an adventure. It’s funny how life works. We went our separate ways and moved on, but falling back in love with each other through travel is our greatest adventure.” – Andrew

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21. Jason & Brigitta

“Brigitta and I met as children at a mutual family-friend’s party. Me being from Atlanta, GA and Brigitta being from New York we didn’t cross paths much, but our families knew each other from Russia. We met again when we were in high school and began keeping in touch. After a family vacation together to Greece, we began dating and have been together since.” – Jason

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22. Sarah & Bill

“My husband surprised me a month before our 10th anniversary with a trip to Paris. We were engaged at the Jules Verne restaurant at the Eiffel Tower in September of 2005 and were married on November 12th the same year in Chicago. Paris is a special destination for us, and this would be our 10th trip together there.” – Sarah

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23. Ryan & Braydon

“We both knew it was unrealistic to start a relationship living hundreds of miles away. But that didn’t stop us from talking every day and Skyping every night. We spent every school break together and eventually decided we would go the distance and make it work. It’s been six years since then and that’s exactly what we’ve done – we’ve made it work. Our long distance relationship was never easy, but it was always worth it. Being with Braydon has strengthened my patience, trust…and my love for sushi and the LA Dodgers. He’s my biggest supporter, my confidant and best friend. I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to spend the rest of my life with.” – Ryan

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24. SuAnn & Ben

“I have always envisioned Venice to be a once-upon-a-time tale, that once seen, takes your breath away at first sight (very much like how I felt when Ben first sat down beside me in lecture hall after I believed he had never noticed me at all). Ben and I first visited Venice 8 years ago, and to be fortunate enough to return to my most beloved city to celebrate our nine year anniversary was a real decadent treat, and truly a fantastical adventure.” – SuAnn

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25. Lauren & Tim

“Tim and I met 5 years ago. Unbeknownst to him, I actually had my sights set on him long before we ever officially met! My friend Nicole’s boyfriend went to UCLA, and she always wanted her friends to take his friends to our sorority events, so her boyfriend would know someone else at the event. So in our junior year, Nicole was showing me and a few other girls some pictures of her boyfriend and his group of friends. I spotted a tall handsome blonde in the photos and immediately said, ‘I’ll bring him!’ She told me that no, I could not in fact take Tim, because he had a girlfriend. I shrugged it off and told her, ‘That’s fine, maybe next year – I’m sure they won’t last…’ And luckily for me, by the start of the following school year, I was right and he was single! We hosted a big birthday party for Nicole at our house early in the year and invited some of her boyfriend’s friends, including Tim. We met that night, and haven’t looked back since.” – Lauren

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26. Bob & Janie

“Our story began 33 years ago as two American kids who were married in London. We have returned every year and each time we find something different to see and do. London is such an exciting and entertaining city!” – Bob

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27. Paris & Paul

“Paul and I have always been long distance. We knew going into it that that’s what it would be, so our entire relationship has been a lot of travelling back and forth. On a normal day, we are separated by about 3,000 miles – he resides on the west coast, I on the east. Each visit is incredibly special and time spent together is never taken for granted. Looking back at pictures after we’ve each gone our separate ways again is one of the most comforting means of coping.” – Paris

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28. Colin & Katherine

“I knew I was going to marry her right from the start. There is a saying that when you meet your soul mate, you just know. This saying held true for us, too. There is something about time spent with her that makes me the happiest man alive; just to share time with one another is what makes me feel at home.” – Colin

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29. Ruth & Stephen

“This is our nine year wedding anniversary and we are 71 years old, wonderfully in love.” – Ruth

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30. Ned & Emma

“Emma and I first met during my senior year of high school. The rest is pretty much history. I spent as much time with Emma as I could…going to see her during my lunch, after school, etc. I took her to my senior prom. I committed to Lehigh University to play football right before meeting Emma and I was dreading having to leave her in August to go to camp. The amazing thing is that her and I never had the ‘talk’ that most pre-college relationships have. We never talked about, ‘Are we going to stay together?’ or ‘What is this going to look like moving forward?’ We always had faith in each other and confidence that our relationship would be able to withstand the distance between us.” – Ned

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31. Don & Courtney

“I had always dreamed of taking Courtney to Paris, but never had the guts to do it. There came a point in our relationship where I knew that she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and I thought there wasn’t a better way to surprise her than a trip to Paris on her birthday…and a proposal too!” – Don

32. Jing & Theo

“Theo and I met each other in Finland in 2010. I was an exchange student from Singapore, and he was studying in Sweden. We fell in love at the first sight. After we became a couple, we travelled all around Europe. That was the time we found out how much we love to travel. In 2012, Theo joined me in Singapore after his study. And we got married soon after.” – Jing

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33. Megan & Chad

“We were down on the beach at sunset taking photos and all of a sudden Chad got down on one knee. I didn’t let him get a word out before I exclaimed, ‘What are you doing!?’ I was so shocked. He then told me how much he loved me and asked me to marry him. I had to ask him later what he said to me because I’m pretty sure I was so shocked, I blacked out during the actual proposal.” – Megan

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34. Teresa & Martin

“My husband and I have been together for 13 years! We met each other in high school, but didn’t start dating until we graduated. He’s been by my side to love me unconditionally, to support me and have my back through ups and down, and to guide me whenever I’m lost.” – Teresa

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35. Kojo & Faith

“We met in university when Faith came to my school on a year-long exchange. As cheesy as it sounds, it was love at first sight. We both had a feeling we were going to love each other immensely, but found it difficult to act on our feelings simply because Faith had to return to the UK. After thinking about it for days and speaking to friends and family, I thought that it was worth giving it a try than letting her go and regretting it.” – Kojo

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36. Vicky & Nitant

“My husband and I met in LA when we went swing dancing, and we’re both big geeks at heart who are really into comics and animation- we’re the couple that goes to Comic Con! Our wedding incorporated a lot of unique, cute comic elements, and when we told people that we were going to have our honeymoon in Japan they were surprised – but it was perfect for us and our personalities! We love the hustle bustle urban lifestyle of Tokyo, and the geek and pop culture really appealed to us.” – Vicky

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37. Ingrid & Ted

“We returned to Paris after 42 years, and revisited the places where we spent our honeymoon. What is wonderful about traveling in Europe is that things never really change. Everyone we encountered was so gracious and helpful.” – Ingrid

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38. Ranald & Chanala

“I knew for sure that I wanted to propose to my girlfriend on the day of our 10-year anniversary, but I wanted to make it even more special than that. I tried to think of something romantic, but a little outside of the box as well. I started by making a list of things my girlfriend likes: shopping, taking pictures, travelling, flowers and scavenger hunts. Okay, maybe I can combine all these things into some kind of trip. But where? Simple: our favourite city is New York.” – Ranald

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39. Ernesto & Mau

“Our trip was planned in honour of the honeymoon that we didn’t have almost 2 years ago when we got married. Between work and moving back to live in Mexico, we got the chance to go back to Europe.The moment we started planning we remembered the trip we took to Europe 7 years ago, when we went to Paris together. The city simply inspired us and we wanted to have the chance to walk the streets, sit down at a café and enjoy the scene around us again.” – Ernesto

40. Justina & Matthew

“Matthew and I met in Rome when we were studying abroad in college. We went to the same university, but had to travel a few thousand miles to actually meet one another and develop a real friendship! Little did I know he had a crush on me, but I was dating someone else back home and just needed a trustworthy and reliable travel buddy. We stayed close friends after our semester, but we didn’t start dating until two years later. We married after just one year of dating, and when it came time to pick where to honeymoon, it was a no-brainer. Rome was so much a part of us. Walking those old familiar streets with my best friend again and sharing laughs and conversation brought me right back to our time in college.” – Justina

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41. Andrew & Lauren

“Shaking with excitement, my eyes began to water as I read, ‘Dear Lauren, I love you with all my heart, I cherish every moment I spend with you. Your love, friendship and compassion mean so much to me. We have spent some of our best moments at beaches and at the ocean: birthdays, anniversaries, some of our most wonderful and cherished moments. And so I think it is only fitting to ask you here, if you would spend the rest of your life with me…’ I could barely read the last sentence. I looked up to see Andrew (also smiling and shaking) on his knee. As he opened the mahogany ring box, I backed away in disbelief. This was actually happening!” – Lauren

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42. Bailie & Ian

“My husband and I are high school sweethearts and we got married a little over a year ago when my husband was still finishing college. We always knew we wanted to take a trip to Europe together, and we had the perfect opportunity to take a four-week trip this winter.” – Bailie

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43. Kerry & Ryan

“Back in April of 2015, Ryan texted me a photo he took that showed ‘I Love You Kerry’ written in the sand in front of Haystack Rock. Being back in that very spot a year and half later and getting engaged was a full-circle moment. It was very special.” – Kerry

44. Vickie & Neil

“Neil and I met online. He’s an IT Manager and he says it was love at first sight, but I didn’t really like him at first – I thought he was too calm and quiet, but one day he came to my apartment and made my computer run faster. That’s when I fell in love.” – Vickie

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45. Nikki & Jill

“This was our first trip away from our two children ages 4 and 9 months. We were celebrating my wife Jill’s 40th birthday, our six year wedding anniversary and my good health, as three years earlier, I battled bilateral breast cancer. It was an understatement, to say the least, that I appreciated every single moment of our vacation (as I now appreciate every day with a new perspective) and our alone time together.” – Nikki

46. Resat & Asli

“We have known each other since high school, but both of us can’t remember where or how we me. After high school we did not see each other for 5 or 6 years. I went to military duty for 6 months and when I came back from duty, in my first night out to civilization with my guys I saw Asli across the bar and went straight to her. I am a shy person, but something encouraged me to just go and talk to her. At first she tried to pretend that she didn’t remember me but I knew she was playing hard to get. Long story short, I got her number, we started seeing each other and everything worked out perfectly.” – Resat

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47. Adria & Jake

“My husband and I met when we were six years old and have always had an inseparable bond that has kept us together (even through the high school years when I thought I was ‘too cool for him’). We went to rival colleges, grad schools on separate coasts/regions, and still knew through all seven years of living apart that we wanted to be together forever.” – Adria

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48. Nihal & Jes

“I had the idea of proposing on a gondola in the canals of Venice since I was 18, but I just hadn’t found the right woman yet. Fast forward a couple of years and I met the woman of my dreams! EVERYTHING just seemed to fit with us; every single thing kept proving to me that this was meant to be and that she is my soulmate.” – Nihal

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49. Carlee & Jake

“Twelve years ago we started dating in Oviedo, Spain where my husband, Jake, was a student. We came home from Europe and got engaged during a thunderstorm in our hometown of Bellingham, Washington. Fast forward to today. It had been our dream to return to Europe to renew our vows for our 10th anniversary in 2015. One thing we hadn’t counted on – that we would have two tiny children on our 10th anniversary. Our anniversary photo shoot with Ivo & Vanessa took place in a downpour in beautiful Porto. How perfect that we celebrated this milestone the same way we had celebrated our engagement: soaked and laughing – ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this’ kind of laughing.” – Carlee

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50. Blake & Malorie

“We went to high school together and were friends then, but never really had that ‘spark’ that could lead to something more. After losing touch for 6 years, I remember when I saw Malorie again – I was instantly blown away. All those feelings of friendship rushed over me again – and, not to mention, she was absolutely stunning! Malorie and I hung out more and more and it was apparent she was the one for me.” – Blake

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