Profile image of Linda

Meet Linda in Stockholm

I'll provide an experience that will last in timeless images. My main focus is your experience and I want you have an awesome time with me! Thankfully I also provide images that will make you remember your journey with a smile. I love Stockholm because of all the greens and water everywhere. My favourite place is City Hall, but I might be biased since I'm always there.

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    Languages Spoken: English & Swedish
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    Favourite Place to Shoot: Södermalm, Gamla Stan, Riddarholmen and City Hall

Three Things

  1. If you come visit me, chances are that you'll find me in the kitchen cooking up awesome plant based meals or out in my garden growing tomatoes and herbs. I am a true nerd and love a good boardgame or card game - I especially enjoy playing "Magic the gathering" with my husband. If you want to get on my good side, a good Soy latte is the thing.
  2. One thing I can't live without is my people (and coffee)! Life is all about connections and moments, and I savour them.
  3. I'm quite short and love liqorice so much that I order it special from italy. I'm a trained opera singer and make delicious bean burgers.

More Information

Pricing starts at $285 USD for a 30-minute vacation shoot

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