Tag: adoption

Adoption Story Update: From Ethiopia to Canada, with Love

“A lot of photos have been taken of Ayanna, but this Flytographer photo is my favourite. I love it, not only because it’s one of the precious few photos of us together in her homeland, but also because she looks so content, and I look so happy. I remember being totally in the moment that day, oblivious to everything that was happening all around me, still hardly believing that I was finally holding the child who had always lived in my heart.” – Nicole

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Beautiful Adoption Memories Captured in Africa

Nicole wrote us a couple of weeks ago as she was taking a *very important trip*… to bring home her newly adopted daughter! She wanted Flytographer-style candid photos that really captured Addis Ababa and Ethiopia, her daughter’s homeland. We connected her with local photographer Tracy Swift and the result below is a magical, precious memory of that very special day.

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