Proposal Ideas

Since 2013, Flytographer has captured thousands of surprise proposal photos all around the globe. Explore romantic proposal ideas and tips from real couples, enjoy their heartwarming love stories, and discover how their big “Will you marry me?” moment unfolded.

Benedict's Proposal Story in Paris

What is your love story?

We met on instagram when my beautiful fiancé randomly followed me and I said "Hey, this girl is too beautiful for me not to take my shot." So I did and here we are almost 3 years later, engaged!

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Paris is Uju's favorite city in the world so it was a no brainer.

What is your proposal story?

I purposely planned a "vacation photo shoot" 3 days into our trip to try and throw my now fiancé off the trail and make think it was a birthday trip. It had rained early that morning but the sun came up perfectly for the time for our shoot and my now fiancé was swept off her feet!

Proposed in Paris in August

Photo Shoot Location: Trocadéro & Eiffel Tower

Rachael in Paris for Flytographer

Sean & Allana's Proposal Story in New York City

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

I saw Allana at work and thought "that's a bit of alright" so I asked my colleague if he knew her and if she was single, turns out she was. I then kept my eyes peeled for opportunities where I could speak to her. After a couple interactions I worked up the courage to add her on Facebook. I think she knew what she was doing by not accepting me as soon as she saw it and instead making me wait a full 5 DAYS! The chat between us came so easily and before I knew it 2 weeks had passed before I asked her if she wanted to meet up at the beach for a walk. To this day she's still adamant it "wasn't a date". How did I know she was the one? One of her first comments to me was "look at all your greys", and I thought hmm, no filter, I like that. Also with our easy flowing conversations and going on several dates, I cannot express into words how amazing I felt being in her company - She made me feel something I have never felt before, something I wanted to keep hold of and I knew instantly that this is the one - this sassy, no filter, 5ft5, kind, caring and bubbly personality human with a strong mindset. The best trait we have, is that we can chat about any issues and get down to the route cause and fix it.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Allana has wanted to go to New York for years and we went for her 30th as the perfect excuse to get away. For my birthday we had been to Barcelona and Allana had planned a full day for me, again, another perfect opportunity for me to "plan a day" for us!

What is your proposal story?

I wanted to throw her off the scent a bit, I started the day strong by taking her to the Lego store where we made little lego versions of what we were wearing that day (or close enough). As soon as we left she told me I set the bar too high to start the day and she didn't think I would be able to keep it up! Little did she know. We started the long walk to the Brooklyn Bridge before the dreaded "my feet are sore" entered the chat. We then jumped in a cab for the rest of the way. This was not the only hurdle though because as soon as we got out at the viewpoint she says to me she's hungry! To be honest I should have considered she would be hungry as we ate breakfast at 8am and it was now 12:55. Demands were made to get a nibble so we stopped in a Starbucks which I then had to convince her not to get a coffee! I had to message Monika our photographer saying we were not going to make the 1 o'clock start time. We finally progressed round to the viewpoint and I was rummaging in the bag trying to get the ring out subtly and in to my back pocket. She then asked me to walk ahead to get candid photo to which I had to remove the ring from my back pocket and stick it in my front pocket without her noticing! I saw the pre-booked photographer ahead, and with the Friendly Tourist approach, she offered to take photos of us on my partners phone - at this point my heart was beating out my chest but still felt confident in relaying my speech, but, as soon as I reached for the ring and got down on one knee Monika switched to her camera to capture the moment and my emotions quickly expressed and I was lost for words...and the question, but the best moment was hearing Allana say yes! - a few hurdles not anticipated but it could not have gone any better. After the proposal, we got several photos taken at different locations followed by a really nice meal and bubbles at STK Steakhouse.

Best tip for proposing in New York City

If you book at lunch time, pack snacks. If she asks you if she needs to wash her hair, say yes, not "I don't think you do". You'll thank me later.

Proposed in New York City in July

Photo Shoot Location: Brooklyn Bridge & DUMBO

Monika in New York City for Flytographer

McCaffrey & Lauren's Proposal Story in Sorrento

How did you meet?


What made you choose this proposal destination?

She studied abroad in Sorrento in 2021, and I wanted to make it special by proposing to her in her favorite place.

Proposed in Sorrento in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Barbara and Claudio in Sorrento for Flytographer

Colten & Violet's Proposal Story in Lake Como

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

Nobody is as supportive and loving as she is, she makes me want to be the best person I can be.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

We had always talked about it and the timing just lined up perfectly.

Proposed in Lake Como in July

Photo Shoot Location: Como City

Sara in Lake Como for Flytographer

Oleg & Anastasia's Proposal Story in Las Vegas

How did you meet?

On the beach 😏

What is your love story?

It was a love from the first sight when I spotted her. I was walking on the beach when I saw the most beautiful girl in the world. She noticed my look and smiled back. The rest is history

What made you choose this proposal destination?

We had a vacation in Las Vegas and the Bellagio Fountains were the most romantic place I could find.

What is your proposal story?

The date of proposal was our meeting day, so now we can celebrate anniversary with Engagement together. After getting to know Vegas, I made sure to capture the moment with the help of Flytographer and proposed with a custom made ring, the design of which I was gathering throughout our relationship.

Best tip for proposing in Las Vegas

Small balcony at Bellagio Fountains works better as the main balcony often gets crowded. Also, restaurants are probably not the best place for proposal as it happens quite often in cities like Vegas, so it can overshadow your proposal.

Proposed in Las Vegas in July

Photo Shoot Location: Bellagio Fountain

Viktoria in Las Vegas for Flytographer

Colin & Melissa's Proposal Story in Venice

How did you meet?


Proposed in Venice in May

Photo Shoot Location: Venice Gondola Ride

Alberto in Venice for Flytographer

Jenna & Austin's Proposal Story in Paris

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We met in high school Spanish class in Phoenix, AZ. Our teacher left half way through the year and when we had a sub they let us choose where we sat. Austin took that opportunity to sit next to me. He made me laugh regularly and the rest was history. A month after we started dating my dad's job moved my family and I to Northern California. At 15 & 16 years old we decided to continue our relationship long distance. I remember before deciding this talking to my mom about it because at 15, would long distance work? She said if it was meant to be it would, and we would never know if we didn't try. I flew to Arizona for winter break, prom, and graduation. Austin came to visit for summer break. When I graduated 2 years later I moved back to Phoenix. We have now been together for 12 years and he is my best friend. We have grown up together.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

While Austin may have been the one to plan and propose, I booked our original shoot. Over the past 4 years we have had 4 shoots. I was so excited for our next shoot to be in Paris! The photos with the Eiffel Tower look incredible and I wanted them hanging on our walls! After I booked our shoot he reached out to Flytographer and behind the scenes they switched it from a vacation shoot to a proposal shoot. I had no idea! So even if your partner is the one to book the shoot, you can still turn it into a surprise proposal!

What is your proposal story?

Our day started at about 4:30 AM. We had been in Paris for a day and a half and still hadn't adjusted to the time change. So while a 6 AM shoot sounded brutal when I booked it, it was not bad at all. (I knew the pictures would be worth it.) We started our morning listening to Taylor Swift while we got ready and started our 15 minute walk to the Bir-Hakeim Bridge. When we arrive we had a few minutes to ourselves enjoying the AMAZING view of the Eiffel Tower. When Kirill arrived he asked us a few questions and we got right to the pictures! I was so excited, we had a beautiful sunrise with a few clouds that I knew would enhance the already beautiful backdrop. I had no clue what was about to happen. About half way through the photoshoot, when the sunrise was perfect Kirill gave Austin the signal that he was ready. We were back to back and I saw him turn around from the corner of my eye. I thought to myself Oh. My. Goodness. This is actually happening. I took a deep breath before I turned around because I knew this moment would be over before I knew it. Austin was on one knee when I turned around, he quoted Taylor Swift's song "Lover" (my favorite and why he played the album while we were getting ready), and then asked me to marry him. After 12 years together of course I said yes. I was shocked and truly couldn't believe what just happened. We finished the second half of our shoot and the pure joy that is captured in those photos is magical.

Best tip for proposing in Paris

Stay on your knee for as long as you can. The earlier your shoot the better! At 6 AM there were already a handful of other photographers there. You don't want other people interfering with your photos so the earlier the better. 6AM is worth it! If you can, don't wait until the end of your photoshoot to propose. I especially love the photos we have after because of the excitement and joy they capture.

Proposed in Paris in July

Photo Shoot Location: Eiffel Tower & Bir-Hakeim Bridge

Kirill in Paris for Flytographer

Ty & Maci's Proposal Story in Lake Como

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

I knew after we hung out for the first time that she was special.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

I saw how peaceful and beautiful it was and knew it would always be a special place for us.

What is your proposal story?

This was a surprise proposal. Irina (our photographer) was “taking pictures of the lake with her camera” whenever we walked up. The plan was for my girlfriend and I to go take a selfie in the proposal spot and then have “someone take a picture of us”. That’s what we did and I had Irina take a photo of us on my phone. She took a few pictures and then offered to take a picture of us on her nice camera. She said she would email them all to us! We happily agreed. She started taking pictures with us and then said “this is perfect”. That was my cue to get down on a knee. It went perfect from there.

Best tip for proposing in Lake Como

It is very humid and warm during July so dress for that. The terrain is a little bit rocky around Villa Melzi. It’s a beautiful spot and we are so glad we did it here. Be aware of the weather and the possibility of rain.

Proposed in Lake Como in July

Photo Shoot Location: Bellagio

Irina in Lake Como for Flytographer

Christopher & Laura's Proposal Story in Florence

How did you meet?


What made you choose this proposal destination?

We went on a dream vacation and picked Florence because the beautiful scenery and everything it had to offer

Proposed in Florence in June

Ken in Florence for Flytographer

Jeffrey & Rachel's Proposal Story in Florence

How did you meet?

Social Media

What is your love story?

It didnt take me long 6 years agk to realize Rachel is the most kind, selfless and empathetic person and from the day I met her, she treated my younger autistic brother like he was her own. Shortly after meeting her my brother and I were in a near fatal car accident and Rachel did everything she could to make sure we were taken care of and picked up the slack in our lives without hesitation, ontop of caring for our dogs, her schooling and eventually her teqching job. Without complaint or so much as a stumble I knew She was unquestionably the woman I wanted in my life forever.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Florence has given me a feeling of tranquility and "Home" from the moment i stepped foot in it back in 2017. There has been a pull to return to this unique pice of paradise. Now with this proposal i have been able to share a piece of my home with the love of my life (my heart) and it will forever be intertwined into our story as a family.

Best tip for proposing in Florence

Early in the morning seems best to avoind the heat and crowds of this beautiful but busy city as it wakes up.

Proposed in Florence in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Stefano in Florence for Flytographer

Ben & Kate's Proposal Story in Portland, Oregon

How did you meet?


Best tip for proposing in Portland, Oregon

Hire Whitney!

Proposed in Portland, Oregon in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Whitney in Portland, Oregon for Flytographer

Tyler & Haley's Proposal Story in Park City

How did you meet?


Proposed in Park City in July

Photo Shoot Location: McPolin Farm

Becky in Park City for Flytographer

Dominic & Lindsey's Proposal Story in Sorrento

How did you meet?


Proposed in Sorrento in July

Photo Shoot Location: Sorrento Village

Pasquale and Peppe in Sorrento for Flytographer

Alex & Josie's Proposal Story in Lake Como

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We’ve been together since we were 16, I’ve known for a long time, Josie was the one. Just had to find the perfect place to propose!

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Both once in a lifetime trip + a beautiful villa.

Proposed in Lake Como in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Sara in Lake Como for Flytographer

Laura & Bobby & Kenzie's Proposal Story in San Francisco

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We “get each other” & Never want to be apart from each other

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Beautiful Beach & Spectacular Sunset!!

Best tip for proposing in San Francisco

If you follow all of the tips Flytographer & the photographer “Joseph” suggest, everything goes perfectly for the special day

Proposed in San Francisco in June

Photo Shoot Location: Baker Beach

Joseph in San Francisco for Flytographer

Curtis & Danae's Proposal Story in Banff

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We met in elementary school, drifted apart through high school but reconnected during university, and have been dating for 4 years. We’ve been through a lot, including me having to move away for work - throughout it all she’s been my rock, by my side and in my corner no matter what we’ve had to go through.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Banff is one of the most beautiful places in Canada - No better spot to ask the woman of your dreams to marry you!

What is your proposal story?

This trip has been in the works for a year, and definitely was hard to pull off - there were a few moments when I was sure she knew it was coming! I tried to stay as calm as I could and give nothing away the whole car drive out but it was all I could do!

Best tip for proposing in Banff

If your schedule is flexible, definitely try to plan for the day with the most sun - it makes for the best pictures! Try to find the quietest spot possible and be prepared to get up early if you want to beat the crowds!

Proposed in Banff in June

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Marie-Christine in Banff for Flytographer

Harry & Agnes's Proposal Story in Osaka

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We have been dating for 6 years - we met at a bar and not online!

What made you choose this proposal destination?


What is your proposal story?

Osaka castle was special enough!

Best tip for proposing in Osaka

Book Coo!

Proposed in Osaka in June

Photo Shoot Location: Osaka Castle

Coo and Yurika in Osaka for Flytographer

Frankie & Sophia's Proposal Story in Cinque Terre

How did you meet?


Proposed in Cinque Terre in June

Photo Shoot Location: Vernazza

Gaia in Cinque Terre for Flytographer

Adam & Celeste's Proposal Story in Lake Como

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

Celeste had my heart right from the moment we locked eyes. Her warm and gentle smile made me feel special. Early into our relationship she said “there is something about you that makes me come alive”.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Celeste and I met in Vancouver, British Columbia and shared our love for the mountains together. We have always dreamed of going to Italy together after graduation.

What is your proposal story?

A casual trip to Varenna to visit Villia Monestero turned into a true love story when we walked over “Lovers Promenade” and planed a surprise engagement photoshoot with Mattia in the Villa!

Best tip for proposing in Lake Como

Make sure to get a proposal ring box when you buy your ring. It is a lot smaller than the original one and easy to blend in with your wallet for your pocket. Arrive to the Villa early and take a casual walk around to scope out the scenes and come prepared with some engagement poses to avoid putting too much pressure on the photographer! Practice kneeling down and reading your speech out loud well in advance to avoid freezing in the moment. Chances are people will be around and will add to the pressure and may throw some curveballs in your special moment! LASTLY … HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THIS MOMENT !! :)

Proposed in Lake Como in June

Photo Shoot Location: Varenna

Mattia in Lake Como for Flytographer

Caleb & Bella's Proposal Story in Kona

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We met in eighth-grade history class and remained friends until senior year of high school. During our senior year, we started dating and continued during college. We graduate in May 2025 and we plan on getting married in January 2025.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

I asked for advice from my photographer on the best location. She recommended it to me.

What is your proposal story?

I was nervous all day. I made her believe we were going on a casual walk on the beach to kill some time before dinner.

Best tip for proposing in Kona

Go to Kukio beach. It is not crowded and the scenery is amazing

Proposed in Kona in June

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Adriana in Kona for Flytographer

CJ & Christina's Proposal Story in Bali

How did you meet?


Proposed in Bali in June

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Arief in Bali for Flytographer

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