Eight years ago, Christina and her husband Scott spent their honeymoon in Maui. Sadly, shortly after returning home, the photos from that special trip were lost forever. But, they recently headed back to the lush island with their two young boys to recreate those lost Maui memories – this time, as a family of four!
“After taking our family to Disneyland last year, we knew we wanted to have a relaxing beach vacation. My husband and I went to Maui eight years ago on our honeymoon. When we returned home shortly thereafter, our house was broken into and our camera was stolen with all the photos from our trip. We wanted to go back and capture some of those memories and images that we had taken years ago, but this time with our kids.
“There were so many memorable moments but my favourite was definitely playing in the surf and watching my 6-year-old snorkel for the first time. Our two boys are young and the large waves of the ocean are new to them, but they loved boogie boarding and just rolling around in the sand while the waves splashed at them.
“It means everything to me to have these photos. As my kids grow older, I’m so happy that we captured this moment in time of our family. To see how silly we all were, how happy the boys were to get dirty in the sand, and to be able to have my parents there to enjoy it with us made it even more special.” – Christina