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Profile image of Petra and Ondřej

Meet Petra and Ondřej in Prague

We are husband and wife photography duo based in Prague - the city where we've been living for the majority of our lives. We're passionate about capturing real emotions with our photographs, rock music, meeting new people and Asian cuisine. We believe that photos should tell stories and capture real emotions; authenticity is very important for us. We try to keep our photoshoots fun, relaxed and spontaneous.

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    Languages Spoken: Czech, Slovak, and English
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    Favourite Place to Shoot: Alongside the Vltava River or nearby Petřín Watchtower

Three Things

  1. When we are not photographing we love taking long walks with our two little daughters, either in nature or in the city. Ondřej is a passionate self-taught guitar player and Petra loves drawing mandalas wherever she can.
  2. The things we each cannot live without: Petra says, "Definitely my toothbrush!" Ondřej says, "Music and my bed - slow mornings and breakfast in bed for the win!"
  3. Petra is a sporty, impulsive, coffee-loving early-bird, whereas Ondřej is a geeky, overthinking, tea-loving night owl. We are firm believers in the phrase, "Opposites attract!"

More Information

Pricing starts at $285 USD for a 30-minute vacation shoot

*** Please note: Only one photographer of the pair may be available for your shoot. Please inquire with the Customer Experience Team if you have any questions.

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  • Offensive or explicit content
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