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Profile image of Eriko and Said

Meet Eriko and Said in Tokyo

We are a Swedish/Japanese couple who met through our passion for photography. We love capturing precious moments for visitors to Tokyo. We shoot a lot for various publications related to the travel industry in Japan too. Our work takes us to everywhere from ramen shops to national parks to luxury hotels and to far flung destinations.

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    Languages Spoken: English, Japanese and Swedish
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    Favourite Place to Shoot: Shinjuku Gyoen. It's a great mix of tranquil nature and Japanese garden, framed by the high-rise buildings in the big city.

Three Things

  1. Said has been a photographer since he went to high school, and has a background as a photojournalist. Eriko spent her 20's working in the airline industry.
  2. We love to travel and experience everything beautiful this world has to offer, both inside and outside of Japan. We also love spending time outdoors, and prefer to spend our summers in Scandinavian forests.
  3. People are often surprised when they learn that we have three languages in common. Besides English, Eriko knows Swedish since she did an exchange in Sweden as a university student. And Said has studied at language school in Tokyo and spent most of his adult life in Japan. We are parents to a girl born in the summer of 2020.

More Information

Pricing starts at $285 USD for a 30-minute vacation shoot

***Please note: Only one photographer of the pair may be available for your shoot. Please inquire with the Concierge Team if you have any questions. Mount Fuji (Kawaguchiko) is a 5 to 6 hour round trip from Tokyo. Please request 60-minutes or more for this location. Eriko and Said require an additional travel fee for this destination. Please inquire with the concierge team.

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