Feature Photo Guidelines


What is a Feature Photo?

A Feature Photo is the photo that is sent to the customer as a ‘sneak peek’, one day before the entire gallery is sent. It is also the photo that appears alongside the customer’s review on your profile (if the photo is shareable) and it is the header photo of the gallery. For this reason, it is important that the selected Feature Photo matches the criteria below.


 A Feature Photo must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. There is a sense of place. You can ideally tell where the photo was taken just by looking at it. Mid-range to wide-range photos are preferable over close-ups.
  2. The photo must be in colour, not black and white.
  3. It is a stand-out image from the gallery that has the ‘WOW’ factor!
  4. Everyone who participated in the shoot is in the photo. This means if it was an extended family of 12, all 12 people should be in the feature photo. 
  5. It is in landscape/horizontal format. 
  6. Faces are clearly visible and it is a flattering image of the customer(s). No silhouettes, please.

Read our step-by-step guide on how to select the Feature Photo here

Examples of Great Feature Photos

How the Feature Photo Looks to Customers 

What the gallery email looks like:


How the Feature Photo will appear in your reviews:


Have a question? Email us at photographer@flytographer.com