How to Send Text Messages Internationally
Text messaging across countries can be challenging, and requires different formatting than landlines!
Here are some handy tips and tricks to make sure you can be in touch in case of any last-minute trouble finding each other.
1. Make sure the number is formatted correctly! Texting requires a plus (not a 00) in front of the number.
Don’t have a + key on your phone? hold down the 0 key on your phone until the plus sign shows.
+1 888 8888 (North America)
+44 020 8888 8888 (Europe)
+81 3 8888 8888 (Asia)
00 888 8888
011 888 888 8888
888 8888
44 00 020 8888 8888
00 020 8888 8888
011 888 888 8888
2. Consider purchasing a text message or data plan for cheaper text messaging internationally
If you will have data while you are travelling you can try apps like Whatsapp for free international text messaging!
If you are an iPhone user and typically use iMessage and will not have data while you are traveling consider turning off iMessage during your trip. You can find instructions on how to do so here.
3. Still having trouble?
- Use this handy online resource:
- please do reach out via email!
- Try calling from a landline phone.
Good luck and have an amazing photo session!