Photograph by: Nathalie

How to Propose in Tokyo

Featured Tokyo Proposal Tips
  • Choose a special location to pop the question in Tokyo
  • Practice getting down on one knee beforehand
  • Think about what you will say
  • Make reservations so you have a reason to dress up
  • Hire a proposal photographer to plan and capture the moment

Since 2013, Flytographer has captured thousands of surprise proposal photos all around the globe. Explore romantic proposal ideas and tips from real couples, including their top proposal ideas and tips, and the best ways and the best places to propose in Tokyo. Explore our customers’ heartwarming Tokyo proposal stories below.

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Drake & Ashley's Proposal Story in Tokyo

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We started dating in high school but it wasn’t until college where our relationship really grew. College was where I would say I really fell in love with her all over again. She was always by my side no matter what.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Ashley’s brother is in the Marines and is stationed here in Okinawa. He came to Tokyo to meet up with us on our vacation.

What is your proposal story?

I had never been to Japan so I knew I had to find the best place possible. I settled on Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden and went on Google Maps to walk the entire trail. I found the most perfect place. Once we arrived to the park our photographer followed close behind. Once we were at the spot our photographer asked if she could take a picture for us. During this time I then got on one knee and proposed. It was more than we could’ve dreamed for.

Best tip for proposing in Tokyo

I would say the earlier the better. Golden hour seems to be busy just about everywhere in Tokyo. Being early ensures that no one is in your pictures. Also, proposing on a weekday may help as well.

Proposed in Tokyo in May

Photo Shoot Location: Shinjuku Gyoen Park

Ayako in Tokyo for Flytographer

Dimas & Ariana's Proposal Story in Tokyo

How did you meet?


Proposed in Tokyo in April

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Ayako in Tokyo for Flytographer

Nick & Caroline's Proposal Story in Tokyo

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

Our love story is very nonstandard. Caroline and I went to Southern Illinois University at the same time. One strange night we both ended up at our best friends house (who were married to each other) for a party and we specifically remember making prolonged eye contact with each other and separately thinking the other was cute. We then never saw each other again until 5 years later. I would always tell her best friend even before I truly met her that Caroline was beautiful and one day I’d marry her and she would always say that’s impossible since Caroline moved to South Carolina and I was in Texas. I then got a job in North Carolina and never forgot that Caroline was in South Carolina and I knew it was my opportunity to take a shot at finally dating her. Eventually Caroline’s best friend convinced her to meet with me as friends and we had the most amazing time. I then decided, let’s take a road trip to Disney in Orlando from South Carolina. Our first true date was after driving together, after knowing each other truly for a week, for 10 hours and was at Disney World and from there we have been inseparable.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

I chose Tokyo / Shinjuku Garden because it not only is a beautiful/quiet area but it’s also an amazing story for us to say we got engaged in Tokyo.

What is your proposal story?

Our proposal story is very calm and quaint. I am usually known for not being able to keep surprises to myself and that day she was so unassuming of what was about to happen. I tell her to dress nice since it was our first full day in Tokyo and we’d probably take cool pictures together, we go get coffee and we show up to the proposal location 10 minutes early because I could not wait any more. We walk right past our photographer who was so unassuming, get to the bridge on the Tamamo Pond in the Garden and with seemingly no one around I ask her to marry me and she says yes! We both don’t remember anything because we both basically blacked out from the nerves of the moment but it turned out wonderfully and I wouldnt have wanted it any other way.

Best tip for proposing in Tokyo

Advice for proposing in Tokyo would be to do research of where you actually want to propose. I scoured the internet of good locations to do it. Choose what you think will feel right and natural for you and use google maps as a nice tool. I would use google maps to put myself in the location on my proposal and have a 360 view to see how it would look and also use it to see reviews other people have left of it and photos other people have taken at those locations to see how it looks different seasons and different weather. Just do your research and put yourself there, figuratively, when considering it a location

Proposed in Tokyo in August

Photo Shoot Location: Shinjuku Gyoen Park

Miyuki in Tokyo for Flytographer

Enian & Maegan's Proposal Story in Tokyo

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We we're always great friends and got along really well, I had a crush on her and always had a image of us being together. It might sound strange but I always knew we'd end up together as if our paths were always aligned.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

I chose the stadium because it held the Olympic events including the hurdle races. I thought it would be the perfect place to propose since it's how we first met.

What is your proposal story?

I wanted to go a bit further than just proposing at the stadium I brought and modified a adjustable hurdle which I could sneak in my backpack, make an excuse to set up far away from her and then finally lead her there so we could jump it together. I also purchased a Japanese scroll to ask 'will you marry me' in Japanese and ask her to use a translator app to see what it says, which would give enough time to get on one knee. I was really worried about setting up the hurdle because I didn't want to give away anything, luckily Nathalie saved the day by offering to take it in with her and setting it up instead. Thanks Nathalie!

Best tip for proposing in Tokyo

Avoid the summer if you can 🥵

Proposed in Tokyo in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Nathalie in Tokyo for Flytographer

Josh's Proposal Story in Tokyo

What is your love story?

We actually met on an online dating app. We lived about an hour apart. We are both nurses so we already had something in common and we just couldn’t be separated after we first met. We bought a house together after only knowing each other for about 3 months and have been going strong for about a year and a half now.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Devyn is Hawaiian, and she is part Japanese. I’m a world traveler and have been to many countries, but not Japan so it just made sense to come here and make it special.

What is your proposal story?

She didn’t see it coming at all and the weather held up until just minutes after we were done with the photo shoot.

Proposed in Tokyo in August

Photo Shoot Location: Harajuku

Keith in Tokyo for Flytographer

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