Photograph by: Emily

How to Propose in London

Featured London Proposal Tips
  • Choose a special location to pop the question in London
  • Practice getting down on one knee beforehand
  • Think about what you will say
  • Make reservations so you have a reason to dress up
  • Hire a proposal photographer to plan and capture the moment

Since 2013, Flytographer has captured thousands of surprise proposal photos all around the globe. Explore romantic proposal ideas and tips from real couples, including their top proposal ideas and tips, and the best ways and the best places to propose in London. Explore our customers’ heartwarming London proposal stories below.

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Jake & Deborah's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?

Just out and about

What is your love story?

Just so alike

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Was supposed to be I'm sardinia but got stuck in London after a passport mishap.

What is your proposal story?

Managed to plan it last minute with the help of Emily. Got to tower bridge asked to get a photo with debs and asked Emily to take it on my phone. Emily takes a photo and then asks if she an get a good one on her camera. When she says "it's perfect " that's my que to get down on 1 knee.

Proposed in London in May

Photo Shoot Location: Tower Bridge

Emily in London for Flytographer

Ben & Kayleigh's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?


What made you choose this proposal destination?

Kayleigh studied abroad in London (Kentish Town) and often went to Camden Market for food and shopping with her friends. On our first trip to London together, she was so excited to show me Camden, and I quickly fell in love with it, too! The sentimental value/beauty made it an easy decision!

What is your proposal story?

I told Kayleigh we were going to get an early lunch and would be going to the Savoy hotel later in the afternoon for some drinks (in an effort to make sure she was dressed up). I communicated with our photographer, Jimmy, that the bridge of the lock would be the best, most scenic place to pop the question. However, upon arriving, Jimmy told me via text that it was too busy, so we had to audible to plan B. As Kayleigh and I were walking down Camden High Street, I asked her, "What's down there?" pointing down the path next to the Shake Shack. We had never been that way and she thought I had wanted to go straight to the food stalls for lunch instead. She said it was really pretty and that we could go walk down across the pretty bridge. As we got across the bridge - which was very busy - I spotted Jimmy decked out in all yellow wandering around near the Plan B spot. We made eye-contact, I gave him a nod, and he knew right away it was us. As instructed, I asked Kayleigh if she wanted to take a selfie because the area was pretty to signal to Jimmy that I was about to ask. I had the ring hidden in my shirt pocket, so after the selfie, I stood in front of her, told her how much I loved her, reached inside, and pulled the box out. She responded at first with, "What are you doing?" I got down on my knee, asked her to marry me, and she nodded due to the overwhelming tears. We hugged while I stayed down on my knee for as long as possible, but I told her "I need to stay down as long as possible for the pictures to be better!"

Best tip for proposing in London

Pick out a place that means a lot to you. There are plenty of aesthetic and cute areas to find, but find a place that means the most to you! Oh, and be sure to plan ahead. It's not easy finding a photographer on short-notice!

Proposed in London in October

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Thomas & Lauren's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?


What made you choose this proposal destination?

The view!

What is your proposal story?

We arrived in Greenwich at 9am. Had coffee and walked up to One Tree Vista. At that point we took a selfie and Jimmy was planted to take a photo. When lighting was right jimmy gave the indication the proposal happened.

Best tip for proposing in London

In Greenwich, get there early. We had the park to ourselves for the photo shoot.

Proposed in London in November

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Daniel & Paulina's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

Well we met almost three years ago at my place of work where we quickly got an ete for eachother! But the moment i knew she were the one was the first time i felt she was in an uncomfertable situation over the while takling to her over the phone and immediatly i repliserte with «I love you» i had never thought about it before but in that moment i knew i was going to spent the rest of my Life with her

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Luck and a birthday gift from now my fiance to go see Robbie Williams which i have been dreaming of for as long as i can remember. I had the already been planning the ring and it was on it’s way so the desition was easy, i was going to steak her away one day from the planens holiday!

What is your proposal story?

Well we started off the day with the VIP experience on the London Eye and was already in the skies over a so far great holiday, we then went to check out the St Dunstan in the east (my wish offcourse) where we almost didn’t have time to look around because i was so nervous, so i asked Jimmy for a couple of photoes on my phone, which he accepted without hesitation, he then instructed us to the best spot for a great picture, verry casually so Paulina didn’t notice anything! He then asked if he could take a couple of pictures of us with his camera and i offcourse gladlåt accepted! We got into position and i droppes to one knee, blurring out some words i think made sence…! And after a while i had to ask Paulina «well you can say yes now please» as of upp to This point she was only screaming, swearing a bit and crying/laughing! And she, Thank god, said yes! And well now i can finally call her my Fiance!❤️🙌🏼😍 we then went on to celebrate the day with my lovely fiance in amongst other stuff we want to a lovely dinner in River restaurant by Gordon Ramsay which was simple lovely!

Best tip for proposing in London

Do what suits Your style, not what everyone else does, i wanted a calm spot where we didn’t have the usual rush of London, and in the autumn it was lovely with all the vibrator colours etc. but do what suits you and Your special someone!

Proposed in London in October

Photo Shoot Location: Tower Bridge

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Tony & Jessica's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?


What is your love story?

We had so much in common. From education, to experiences, to places lived, and so much more. She was so kind and sweet. I knew she was the one when she tried to bribe my cats live with treats and toys! 😆

What made you choose this proposal destination?

We had never been to London and I was going on a work trip. So I paid for a ticket for her to join me! Picked a site based off some research (St Dunstans in the East Church Garden) and pictures.

What is your proposal story?

Well, we had to get to the site early in the morning as to avoid local workers eating there for lunch. We settled on shortly after 9 am. Now, combing my fiancé to get dressed up at 9 am on a Monday was … challenging. But she was a trooper and went along with it under the pretense that e had a nice lunch reserved. When we got to the site we the “first stop of the day” Jimmy was there acting like the friendly tourist. We followed that script and surprised her! She was in shock for a while!

Best tip for proposing in London

Plan for anything. Weather, delays, business of location, etc. all are important for the day. But it’s a very friendly city!

Proposed in London in July

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Arun & Arun and Hassina's Proposal Story in London

How did you meet?

Social Media

What is your love story?

I met Hassina at my family restaurant, she came in for dinner with her family. She had shared some photos from her experience online and tagged the restaurant, I immediately remembered her.. and took the opportunity to message her. Our love story was unstoppable then on..

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Initially I wanted to propose abroad but with Covid and restrictions I knew I couldn’t make it happen and I didn’t want to wait. I knew I wanted to marry her the first time I saw her, Jackie at Flytographer helped with ideas and it turned out perfect in Hyde Park.

What is your proposal story?

She knew nothing, we are from Wolverhampton so I told her we would have a weekend in London for a little break off work. We got to our destination and I popped the question!

Best tip for proposing in London

Our proposal was perfect, Hassina loved it! It was in January, so the winter sun was over us. The fountains at Hyde Park were so pretty. I knew she’d love it!

Proposed in London in January

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jackie in London for Flytographer

Christine's Proposal Story in London

What is your love story?

We met at a banquet. We saw each other from afar (because she arrived late as I now know is what she typically does). The moment we met, time stood still in one of those, corny, romantic chick-flick type of ways. She became nervous, and after our brief hello, Ann Marie ran away from me, never to talk to me again for the rest of the night. We met a second time, six months later, I forced her to allow me to buy her an egg sandwich, and the rest is history.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Something Ann Marie and I share in common is our love for history. We are the type of travellers that can spend hours at a museum, or appreciate the very small historical features that each city has to offer. I chose this spot because it has some of the world's most amazing history, right in front of our hands, and will now be with us always.

What is your proposal story?

The moment we got there, she saw Jackie (our photographer), doing her own thing, taking photos of the scenery. Immediately her guard was up, and was screaming "YOU HIRED HER! YOU HIRED HER!" without her ever coming even close to us before it happened. We couldn't help but break out together in laughter. Prior to the proposal, Ann Marie had demanded that she receive a speech when the big moment would happen. Instead, every morning leading up to us going to London, I wrote her good morning love notes. The beginning letter of the first word of the notes would eventually spell out "W-I-L-L- Y-O-U-M-A-R-R-Y M-E". As such, I showed her a picture of the notes spelling out the phrase with the ring box next to it, and I said to her that she didn't need a speech, because I've been telling her how I've felt, all along. She immediately was speechless, shocked, cried, but was able to muster out the word YES! We had a blast with our photographer thereafter and was able to capture our love, our laughs, and the smiles we have shared over the past 5 years together.

Proposed in London in March

Photo Shoot Location: Tower Bridge

Jackie in London for Flytographer

Adam's Proposal Story in London

What is your love story?

We met at a bar on Valentine's Day five years ago. We currently both live in California, but I grew up in London, so when she told me her name was London Valentine, I thought she was kidding as it was just too fitting. While all of her friends said it must be fate, I realized she was the person I wanted to marry when I went on a trip with some of my guy friends and realized it just wasn't the same without her by my side. Experiencing new adventures is simply better when we're together.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

Since I grew up in London and her name is London Valentine and we met on Valentine's Day five years ago, I felt it was fitting to surprise her with a trip to London on Valentine's Day for our five year anniversary of when we first met. What she didn't know is that I planned on proposing! I chose Hampton Court Palace in Surrey as it is a beautiful palace that I used to visit with my family when I was a kid. We would walk the grounds and we loved their hedge maze.

What is your proposal story?

I was a bit worried because London was dealing with storm Dennis and the night before the proposal had such heavy wind and rain that our hotel room on the 47th floor of The Shard was creaking as the building swayed in the wind. Thankfully, the weather calmed down a bit although it was still raining. I grabbed an umbrella out of our hotel room before we left as Jimmy, our photographer we booked through Flytographer, recommended bringing one as it would make our photos look extra romantic, and because it was raining and we actually needed it! As we were in the cab on the way to Hampton Court Palace, I pretended to be messaging some of my friends in London who I said we would be meeting at the palace when I was really letting Jimmy know our ETA. He arrived early and got into position by their gardens. When we arrived, I walked London through the castle and stopped to take a few selfies on my phone. The umbrella blocked the view of the palace behind us so I said we should ask other people to take photos for us. I walked her out to the gardens where Jimmy was waiting and I asked him to take a photo of us with my phone. He obliged, playing the role of a friendly tourist, making sure to get us into the perfect position with the palace behind us. He gave me back my phone and we both looked down at the photo. I turned to London and said, "That's great! What a nice photo to commemorate 5 years together. How about 50 more?" I then dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. She showed me her beautiful smile as she stood there, teary-eyed from emotion, as the umbrella blocked the rain and accepted her ring. Turns out, it was fate after all.

Proposed in London in February

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Anthony's Proposal Story in London

What is your love story?

We swiped right on Tinder (90 miles apart) back in October of 2015, after 2 days of messaging back and forth we agreed to go on a date. We met at a cute little Italian spot in her hometown, and we clicked almost instantly. Madison, my now Fiancée, told me she ended up hating what she ordered so I let her eat off my plate. Apparently, this is the moment she knew she had someone special. For me, I think I always knew It was her. We were so open about everything from the get-go, and when the heart knows it knows. Also, we have so little in common and so much in common at the same time that she is my puzzle piece that completes me.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

We were going to Europe in August for two weeks and I wanted to make sure I didn't propose to her in a place that was too much of a cliché and I also didn't want to be traveling around for 10 days with a ring on me. The Tower Bridge in London ended up being the perfect location!

What is your proposal story?

We decided to take a walk to the Tower Bridge on our first morning in London. Madison had planned for 4 months that we were going to go to the Bridge and then breakfast so I planned with the photographer to meet us there at a specific time. The night before, she wanted to switch it up, she wanted to breakfast first, then Bridge, and that was not going to fly with me. I had to fight back, but eventually got the original plans back! I wanted to make sure we dressed nice because I didn't know how Londoners dressed (I just wanted good quality photos) so Madison put on a slightly fancier outfit than she had already planned for her Instagram ready day. So, we began to work.... 1.2miles in shoes not meant for distance walking. When we got closer to the bridge, we realized there was a cycling event going on that was blocking our way to the other side where the photographer was. After a few detours we made it! We were standing on the Bridge and Madison wanted food, but we had not made it to our photographer, so once again, I needed to convince her that we needed to get to the other side to take more photos because on the other side there was more "optimal lighting". She obliged. We got to the destination; I was relieved, but my heart was POUNDING! A man approached us and asked if he could help take the photos. After taking a few with our camera, he let us know that he could take photos with his camera and that he was professional photographer in the area and could send them to us via email later. Of course, we said yes. I went down on one knee while Madison was continuing to smile for the camera and finally got her attention.... but I blacked out, I don't remember what I said to her, and I don't know what she said back to me! Based on the photos my guess is she said yes! We had an hour to take photos on the Tower Bridge at 10am in the morning with no traffic because of the cycling event. It made it feel like we had the bridge rented out, but we were just very lucky! So here we are... you can see from the photos, both her and I loved every moment of it and will love the rest of every moment of our lives together.

Proposed in London in August

Photo Shoot Location: Tower Bridge

Jimmy in London for Flytographer

Wes's Proposal Story in London

What is your love story?

Potluck at the gym. She made the cookies, he made the guacamole. She swam, he played water polo. She was a wild child, he ran straight and narrow. Together they could concur the world.

What made you choose this proposal destination?

San Fransisco, Hawaii, New York City, Greece, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland. Traveling and experiencing the unique parts of the world has brought us even closer together. Coming to London, the center of the world, was clearly the right place for us to take the next step in our journey.

What is your proposal story?

"Perfect", "Beautiful", "Complete Surprise". A total blur - thankfully it was all captured so we can relive it again and again :-)

Proposed in London in October

Photo Shoot Location: Custom Route

Jackie in London for Flytographer

Matthew's Proposal Story in London

What is your love story?

Estrella and I actually met on a dating website called We met up in person at a local craft fair in Pasadena were we spent the rest of the day and the night talking and laughing together. We immediately felt a connection between the two of us. Over the following months, I would go and visit her constantly at her apartment, even if I had just gotten off of a shift at the hospital. She just always knew how to brighten my day and I would always feel excited when I knew I was going to see her. We eventually moved in together and have been living together for the past 4 years. During that time, I went through some rough times with being fired for the first time and having my father pass away at the age of 63. During those times, she was always there to support me and to help lift me up. She has always made me want to be a better person and is so compassionate towards others, even if the are complete strangers. We totally understand each other and both have a silly sense of humor. She has always stated that whatever decision I make, she will always be there to support me. It's because of that that I knew she was the one that I wanted to grow old with. She really is the sun the brightens my day!

What made you choose this proposal destination?

I chose to propose to her in London because she has always wanted to visit England. I wanted to make the moment unforgettable for her, so no normal proposal would do! I asked some close friends who had been to London where the best place would be to propose. They told me some good ideas, but ultimately, I settled on doing it in front of Buckingham Palace because I wanted it to be like a fairy tale for her!

What is your proposal story?

The proposal went off without a hitch! The photographer, Rajesh, that was provided to us by Flytographer was super professional and helped me with discreetly setting up the perfect shot a little farther away from Buckingham Palace so that we could have an intimate moment with just the two of us. He disguised the proposal shoot by saying that it was just for vacation photos. Thanks to his connections, and a little bit of luck, we were able to take the picture right in the middle of the road at the Mall with Buckingham Palace in the background. Our photographer gave me the signal and I immediately turned to my now fiance and told her how much she meant to me. I got down on one knee, pulled out the ring, and asked her to marry me. Tears immediately began to flow as she gave me an emphatic yes! Rajesh added to our special moment by taking us on a personal tour of the Mayfair district, telling us about the history of the area, and then set us up at a fancy Italian restaurant and made sure the staff knew that we had just got engaged. Everything was so magical that we can't stop telling friends and family the whole story of our proposal! It's a moment that both I and my fiance will never forget for the rest of our lives!

Proposed in London in May

Photo Shoot Location: Buckingham Palace & Mayfair

Rajesh in London for Flytographer

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